Full Blood Count (General Body Condition)
Fasting Blood Sugar (Glucose Levels)
Creatinine & eGFR (Kidney & Renal Health)
Urine Full Report (General Body Condition) |
TSH (3rd Generation) (Thyroid Profile)
Stool Occult Blood (Bleeding in Lower Intestines)
HbA1C (Diabetes – Glucose Levels)
Liver Profile (Liver Function & Health)
hsCRP (Inflammation/Identifying Heart Disease)
Ultrasound Scan (Abdominal & Pelvis Investigation)
Mammogram (Breast Cancer Detection)
40’s are usually the time when family stress is high and many hormonal changes happen that affect your mental and body’s health. Don’t let this transitional affect your health. Understand your health status once a year with this checkup package and make lifestyle modifications to live happy and healthy.