Effects of Smoking on Women's Health

India has around 12.1 million female smokers. The causes of smoking in women are numerous. Increased stress, so-called metro culture and many more reasons why Indian women smoke. The smoking effects on health are terrifying and it has destroyed many lives.

Effects of Smoking on Women's Health

Then, why do Indian women smoke? Let's take a look.

  • A stress buster
  • It looks cool
  • The feel of being an independent woman
  • In the pursuit of weight loss

Some believe the misconception that smoking helps them reduce their weight which on the contrary damages their skin and figure.

Harmful effects of Smoking on Women's Health

So what does smoking exactly do to your body? Know here:

  1. Decreased bone density

    It is a critical thing for the women who smoke and have gone through menopause. These women have lower bone density than the women who don't smoke. They have higher chances of getting hip fracture than rest of the women.
  2. Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease which causes painful inflammation of the joints. The women who smoke have higher chances of getting rheumatoid arthritis than who don't.
  3. Gum problems.

    Smoking will lead to gum diseases that will ultimately result in bone and tooth issues.
  4. Cataracts.

    Women who smoke are more prone to cataracts : an eye disease characterized by the foggy lens.
  5. Pregnancy issues.

    The women who smoke have a problem in getting pregnant. Smoking during pregnancy creates higher chances of miscarriage.
  6. Ulcer issues

    Similar to gum diseases, smoking can also cause ulcers in the stomach which can lead to death.
  7. Depression

    It is found that women who smoke are more likely to go into depression than men.
  8. Menopause

    The women who smoke are likely to suffer menopause at a younger age with worse symptoms.
  9. Menstrual problems

    The women who smoke are found to have menstrual problems like irregular or painful periods.
  10. Breathing issues

    Smoking leads to lung diseases and the women who smoke are likely to suffer the breathing problems.

How to Stop Smoking

Smoking is a habit one must quit. Several steps can be implemented to stop smoking. Make and stick to the plan to give up this habit. Adopt the alternatives to kick this evil from your life such as exercise or go for a walk or run, stay positive, avoid the things that provoke you to smoke, get help from professionals with a regular health checkup etc.

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