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Top Regular Checkups And Tests You Shouldn’t Miss

Do you feel the 3 pm sudden energy crash? Do your knees pain randomly? Then, when was the last time you went for the annual check-up? Well, if it was long back, you may not be alone! Many people skip the annual check-up because they do not know its importance, some may skip because they feel just fine. But, did you know? Yearly full body check-ups are essential to give insights into the functioning of your body. Several problems can be caught before they turn severe. Preventive health check-ups are like a report card, which helps you and your doctor to know your health concerns and address potential problems.

So, let us see what top preventive health check-ups need to be on your calendar when you go for that master check-up.

Top Regular Checkups And Tests You Shouldn’t Miss

Annual Physical Exam:

This is typically a check of your physical self. Before starting the doctor can ask you several questions concerning your habits, the medicines you take, and your general lifestyle. With this in the background, you will be checked for the vitals. The doctor will check your height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and blood pressure. These tests give a general idea of the overall health. The doctor may suggest some lifestyle changes and medications as per the results. You may even be offered additional tests or age and gender-related tests.

This is the first step of the master check-up and a step towards your commitment to good health!

Blood Pressure Check:

The silent killer is the name aptly given to high blood pressure. Why Silent? Because there are no noticeable symptoms of high blood pressure. It can creep up anytime and can affect anyone from young adults to old people, and, men and women equally. High blood pressure is linked to several health issues, like kidney problems, stroke, heart disease, and more. Keeping a tab on that blood pressure is crucial and getting it checked annually or at least twice a year is a good habit. You may want to check it regularly if you have a family history of high blood pressure.

Lipid panel and Glucose tests:

A Lipid panel typically tests your cholesterol levels. Elevated cholesterol levels can lead to heart trouble. Generally known as good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL), the lipid profile helps map the levels. The HDL levels should be up and LDL levels should be low, any discrepancy in these levels can lead to several problems. Checking these levels helps the doctor decide if medication is required. He may also suggest some diet and lifestyle changes. If the cholesterol levels are high, the doctor can suggest a heart check-up.

With an increasing number of diabetic patients around the globe, checking glucose levels is also essential. A fasting blood sugar test and an HbA1c test provide insight into how well the body can manage blood glucose levels. Checking the blood glucose levels is vital as it helps to understand if you are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes or are prediabetic.

Eye exam:

As it's said, your eyes are the windows to the world, so taking good care of them is crucial. An eye test can help doctors detect underlying problems like muscular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts and even help detect diabetes or high blood pressure. The blood vessels in the retina can help detect problems early on even if you don’t feel it or show any particular symptoms. The risk of vision-related problems increases with age, hence a regular eye examination after 4o years is highly recommended.

Cancer Screening:

Cancer screenings are of great help, many cancers can be prevented by preventive health checks. The polyps can be identified and removed before they turn into cancer or develop further.

Kidney Function Tests:

This is a blood test, where the urea and creatinine in the blood are measured to get a clear understanding of the workings of the kidney. It helps reveal how well the kidney is filtering the waste in the body. If the levels are off, the doctor can look for any kidney diseases or other issues that may need attention.

Liver Function Tests:

A blood draw test, these tests assess enzymes and proteins that indicate liver health, like ALT, AST, and bilirubin levels. If the levels are high, it could mean there is an infection or may be due to some medication you may be taking or lifestyle disorders.

Bone Density Test:

As you age, bones need a little extra care, a bone density test checks for osteoporosis risk. It helps to understand the present condition of the bones and the doctor can suggest some supplements to keep the bones strong if needed. If you are over 60 years of age, it is necessary to know the risks and keep your bones strong. This simple test can help keep you spry over the years to come.  

Mammograms & Pap Smears:

The two most important tests that ladies should not miss. A mammogram helps check for any early signs of breast cancer and a pap smear checks for signs of cervical cancer. While these are simple and quick tests, they have proved to be life savers. Worth your time and money.

Mental Health Check-ups:

An integral part of wellness, mental health is a part of several master check-up programs. It is crucial these days. If you ever feel anxious, have sleepless nights or your near and dear ones are showing signs of depression, it is imperative to talk to the doctor.  Regular Health check-ups will help you get the necessary care and keep you happy and safe.

Taking care of your health doesn’t have to be an imposition. It can be fun when you and your friends and family join you for a healthier tomorrow. A full body checkup is a sure shot to ensure that you are not only preventing any underlying diseases but also living your life carefree and without worrying about your health. Being proactive about your health assures you of a healthy future. Prioritizing health gives you more time with your loved ones!

A preventive health check-up is the way forward! So, mark your calendars and go for the full body check-up to live life to the fullest.

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