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Why You Need A Health Checkup?

You are young and apparently fit and find it a waste of money to go for checkups in absence of any symptoms or discomfort. Right?
Actually, you are wrong!

Why You Need A Health Checkup?

As per various abnormality reports from the industry, there is found to be high detection rate of abnormalities in seemingly fit and healthy individuals.

Earlier, advancing age was the biggest risk factor in itself but today it is not always the case. More and more young professionals are falling prey to lifestyle ailments. Heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, stroke and certain cancers are commonly seen in younger age groups.

Reasons to this paradigm shift are plenty. Consider the risk factors below and assess for yourself that why do you need to go for a full body checkup?


Being overweight is a major risk factor and an initiation in itself for several diseases. Risk of heart diseases, diabetes and hypertension is high if the person is beyond normal body weight.

Smoker/heavy drinker

Smoking or tobacco consumption in any form is highly injurious for health. All sorts of cancers, hypertension, lung disease and heart disease invade the body due to smoking or binge drinking.

Stress at work

Monster of stress accounts for several physical and psychological ailments. Stress is a silent killer and manifests its adverse effects in form of hypertension and heart diseases.

Family history of disease

Some diseases are genetic or hereditary in nature and run in families from generations to generations. Heart disease, cancers, hypertension and diabetes, all have a genetic predisposition. If your parents or siblings are suffering for any of these, you have to be extra cautious for yourself.

No physical exercise

Lack of physical movement,no exercise routine or sitting at one place for long hours due to work is recipe for sickness. Today, people are moving away from physical labour due to advent of technology, which is detrimental for their health.

If you have any of the above risk factors or if you want to plan your journey towards your healthy future then don't forget to go for regular medical checkup. To know more about your health, book your master health check up at your nearest health checkup center with Indus Health Plus at affordable cost.

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Empower With Self-Check

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