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Why Prevention


It is an established fact that the biggest killer diseases like heart ailments, cancer, stroke and diabetes can by far be prevented, if and when, diagnosed early in their stages. Thankfully, this can be achieved by going for simple screening tests and preventive health checkups on a regular basis.

For people living seas and miles away from the home land, it becomes all the more essential.

Unwelcomed medical emergencies are difficult to deal with and can cost heavily in a foreign land. So, it is better to keep a tab on your health's status by regular screening and avoid any such unpleasant surprises.

Preventive Health Checkup for You & Family

  • As Indians, we are prone to heart diseases, diabetes and certain cancers. A preventive health checkup will ring the bell early, if there is any inkling of such debilitating condition.
  • Taking care of your parent's and family's health needs is your responsibility and should be on priority. With our gifting options, you can buy a checkup sitting there and can make your parents and other family members take it in India conveniently.

Health Care Tips to keep your body active and live your life
happily without facing any Health Related Issues.

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