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About DNAwise Skin

About DNAwise skin

About Your Unique Genetic Blueprint to Flawless Skin

DNAwise Skin: a solution that goes beyond the surface to decipher your unique genetic make up in order to design a personalized approach to skincare. Compare that with generic recommendations—our precision dermatology solution combines advanced genetic insight into actionable advice tailored to your skin. With DNAwise Skin, you can get closer to really healthy, radiant-looking skin by understanding what really matters.

DNAwise Skin

Why DNAwise Skin?

The appearance of your skin is primarily a result of both genetic and environmental factors. Although environmental factors account for 60% of the general determinants of your skin, genetic information is a potent 40% factor in developing your skin. DNAwise Skin gives you the information to make important decisions about your own skin, revealing secrets through key genetic predispositions and solutions for best skin health.

Who Should Consider DNAwise Skin?

DNAwise Skin is for those looking to enhance their skincare with a personalized approach. Whether you are:

  1. You're struggling with acne, pigmentation, or hair thinning.
  2. You feel overwhelmed by the many skincare products on the market.
  3. You need targeted care for problems such as aging, sensitivity, or sun damage.
  4. You want radiant skin at any life stage-from teenager to senior.

Healthcare providers and dermatologists can also use DNAwise Skin to provide data-driven, personalized solutions for better patient outcomes.

DNAwise Skin
DNAwise Skin

Key Benefits

  1. Personalized skincare regimen based on your genetic makeup.
  2. Enhanced efficacy of products and treatments.
  3. Knowledge of possible conditions and nutritional requirements.
  4. Proactive management of skin health and aging.

DNAwise Skin Tests Your DNAwise Skin report analyzes 29 genetic parameters in three main categories:

Skin & Hair Conditions (15 Parameters)
  • Acne, wrinkles, pigmentation, and more.
  • Psoriasis, vitiligo, and keloid scarring.
Skin Nutrition (10 Parameters)
  • Vitamin deficiencies A, C, D, E, and K.
  • Antioxidant and selenium needs.
Sun & Skin (4 Parameters)
  • Sensitivity to sun, tanning response, and sun-induced damage.

How DNAwise Skin Works

  1. Order Your Kit: Get a saliva-based, easy-to-use test kit.
  2. Collect Your Sample: Follow simple instructions to collect your sample.
  3. Send It Back: Return the kit to Indus Health Plus.
  4. Get Your Report: Deep insights, understandable within 3-4 weeks.
DNAwise Skin

Features of DNAwise Skin

  1. Supported with high-tech machinery and international criteria
  2. Electronic reporting via a secured application
  3. Telephone counseling with genetic consultants
  4. For people of all age groups and way of life.

Start Your Route to Glowing Skin Today It's your DNA that has been the key to the secret behind the flawless glowing skin and shimmering hair.DNAwise Skin can guide you towards a better and more self-confident self.