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Frequently Asked Questions

Know Better, Live Better

DNAwise is the holistic, encompassing genetic test package designed for you to power your insights through health, nutrition, fitness, habits, sleep, and your skin. Its analysis gives out personalized recommendations with a view towards enhancing lifestyle so that overall wellbeing is achieved in the process.

The detailed and easy-to-read reports contain 80 parameters about health, fitness, and nutrition, 29 parameters on skin health, and in-depth insights into the sleep patterns and quality. Let the secrets of your genetic code unlock the possibility of improving well-being and a better life.

Key Features Of Dnawise

Health, Nutrition, and Fitness Insights

Personalized diet and exercise recommendations.

Covers 80 parameters to understand your genetic tendencies for:

  • Nutrient absorption and metabolism
  • Food sensitivities and intolerances.
  • Exercise performance and recovery.
  • Habit-related traits like appetite control and eating behavior.

No need to go anywhere, we will send a saliva sample kit and collect back by Indus. After test, counseling will be done over the phone once you get your report.

Yes, DNA test is done once in a life. However, various reports can be generated as more research is done throug your salive sample. Also, if diagnosed with any clinical condition then more tests may be required as directed by the doctor.

No, there is no shipping cost or additional charges involved. The shipping and pickup is absolutely free.

No, single kit will disclose all your genetic conditions through saliva sample collected in a single DNAwise kit.

We will extract dna from your saliva samples for further tests.

Saliva kit will be delivered to your mentioned address, and saliva sample can be couriered back to indus. Genetic counseling will be done over a phone call.

Genetic testing report will be mailed to you.

Genetic counseling is a process wherein beneficiaries of DNAwise are explained their test report and advised on further plan of action.

No. Any person of any gender and age can be equally benefitted.

Yes. It is recommended that everyone in the family does it because although one family, everyone is genetically unique and one can identify genetic conditions in the family.

Yes, it is highly recommended that you buy both - DNAwise and preventive health checkup package.

No. This test is for healthy individuals. It is not recommended for people with preexisting clinical conditions. More specific diagnostic tests may be required for them, as directed by their doctor.

You can get a refund within 30 days of date mentioned on your payment receipt as long as you have not tampered the kit.

Medical Excellence

DNAwise Genetic PackagePersonalized Report on 80 parameters

Provides genetics based recommendations for your Health, Nutrition, Fitness and certain Habits.

Why choose DNAwise?

Health, fitness & nutrition personal insights to the best of our ability to have an overall state of wellness.

  • DNAwise Skin: Personalized recommendations to improve and maintain skin health based on your genome.
  • DNAwise Sleep: Unlock the mysteries of a good night's sleep with personalized insights for better sleep.
  • Preventive Care: Get actionable knowledge to prevent or slow the onset of potential health challenges.
  • Empowerment: Make informed decisions about your lifestyle with guidance based on your genomic profile.


Learn how DNAwise have changed the lives of users through personalized genetic information. Hear straight from people taking proactive control over their health, fitness, sleep, and skincare with DNAwise.

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