Are You Predisposed To Any Type Of Cancer? Know With a Genetic Test

Many of these cell division processes are managed and regulated by your genes. If a genetic change or mutation happens within the cells, they might develop into cancer. Not just that but there are other important factors also involved in developing cancer.
Your genetics and cancer
Your body’s health is a direct product of your genetics and your lifestyle. Now, your genes, you may not be able to change, but changing your lifestyle to live a better quality of life is in your control. The environment also plays a role in the development of health conditions like cancers. Some environmental factors might increase your risk of developing cancer if you have already inherited some gene changes related to it.
How does genetic testing reveal the risk for cancer?
Genetic testing is a high-end, technical method for detecting genetic changes that increase your risk of developing cancer. SNPs are carefully studied to note down changes or mutations in the genetic structure to report interesting facts about your body, health, fitness, habits, and nutrition.
How does a genetic test benefit you or prevent cancer?
Getting a genetic test done has many potential benefits, like:
- Understanding more about your body and health risks
- In case, cancer runs in your family, a low-risk result can set you at peace
- You can take the required preventative actions to delay or stop the onset of cancer
- Generally, cancer only shows symptoms at its later stages, and at the time it becomes highly difficult to cure it. Early actions can help you completely avoid it
- Getting your health checkups in routine and personalized for detection of cancer if you are at high risk
- Living a lifestyle that has food and physical activity elements tailored to suit your body and prevent cancer from developing
Types of cancers that you can know your risk for:
- Breast Cancer (Female)
- Colorectal Cancer
- Endometrial Cancer (Female)
- Lung Cancer
- Prostate Cancer (Male)
Learn more about personalizing your lifestyle and health checkups according to your genetic test reports.