Are You Genetically Susceptible to Develop Skin Diseases?

Skin diseases affect the skin and its projections and some of them can be inherited from your genes. Such diseases are mainly caused by single-gene mutations and result in skin cancer, acne, lupus, psoriasis, hives, warts and carbuncles.
Among these, Psoriasis is a disease that can occur in people with no family history and also with any family member affected with the disease. However, having someone in the family with the disease can increase one’s risk. Although psoriasis is not a communicable disease, it affects the quality of life making one more prone to metabolic diseases, and increasing the burden of comorbidities. Psoriasis is a widespread, chronic autoimmune disease. Immunity related cells in your blood mistake the new skin cells as foreign cells and attack them which cause overproduction of new skin cells under the surface of the skin. On the surface, it causes scaling, itching, and inflammation.
Having one parent affected with psoriasis increases your risk to 10%
Having both parents affected with psoriasis increases your risk to 50%.
Your genetics reveal how your immune system responds to development of psoriasis and arthritis related to it. You can know your genetic predisposition or susceptibility towards psoriasis with an order-at-home genetic test. A genetic test checks the gene variants that are associated with psoriasis. As there is no cure for psoriasis, understanding your predisposition for it can help you be prepared and plan proper management with your doctor. Genetic testing can help both of you better understand the risks and therefore plan potential treatment and further management.
Know more about the chronic genetic health conditions that you can understand about yourself with a skin genetic test. This can help you in modifying your lifestyle and live a high quality, healthy and longer life.