Genetic Test To Know How Body Responds To Different Exercise

Have you ever wondered ‘why people doing identical regimes can end up with very different results?’ Did you know your genes can give valuable advice about which fitness plan will work for you?
The answer to questions like ‘why I put on pounds just by looking at desserts?’ or ‘why the guy next to me flaunts a six-pack and why can’t I?’ might be hidden in the genes.
Muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness, and anaerobic power play a key role in an individual’s wellness. It influences wellbeing and quality of life as well. All people following similar regimes show improvements following their exercise training, however, to varying degrees, and the reason is we all are unique. Exercise is good for all of us. But everyone shows improvement at a different rate, and everyone responds to a regime in a different way as other factors also contribute. Our genetics impact various factors affecting fitness, including endurance, fat burning, muscle strength, etc.
What is the Need for the DNA Test?
DNA plays a crucial role in our health. Genes decide a person’s physical and mental characteristics and factors such as endurance, nutrient absorption, stamina, weight, etc.
Most of us are well aware of how genes provide valuable insight into your carrier status for hereditary diseases. However, it is essential to understand the effective use of genetic testing for influencing your metabolism, the probability of food intolerance or allergies, etc.
The structure of vital tissues and functionality of different body systems have an impact on how people respond to different exercises. Some people can withstand strenuous exercises very well, whereas some people having some genes show slower responses to exercises. Surely, there is no point in just working harder. With the genetic information that you get from fitness genes test, it is possible to act upon and design diet or workout plans that help optimize or improve the probability of shaping your body or improving exercise performance. So, it’s time to work smart with exercise genetics.
Certain markers in your genes can show if you are predisposed to training for endurance activities such as cycling and running; or for power activities such as HIIT, weight-lifting, and sprinting.?With such valuable insights, one can personalize exercises more proficiently and make the most of your health benefits.
If you want to achieve good health, wellness tests like the DNAwise wellness test can help you. The specialized DNA test helps you understand the effect of the genes on your health and helps you plan your regime accordingly. With valuable insights about your physical endurance, weight gain/loss pattern, injury recovery, eating behavior, food sensitivity, and detoxification, the doctor, can personalize fitness with exercises that are the most effective for a particular individual.
Good nutrition and regular physical activity are crucial to maintaining a healthy body. Genetics plays a significant role in the body’s overall wellbeing. With DNAwise testing, you can take your fitness to the next level as you can have insights about exercise genetics, nutrition genetics, and disease risks.
So, what are you waiting for? Rather than following generic exercise for all, get exercise tailored according to your genetic test and lead to a healthy life. Fill up the query form to understand more about these tests; our representative will suggest you a suitable test package.