Are Some People Just Born With A Better Immune System Than Others Because Of Their Genetics?

Your immune system is your superpower against infections and diseases. But why do people differ in this power - some are more prone to falling sick, while others are untouched by the diseases.
What is immunity?
Immunity is the complicated biological system that recognizes everything that belongs to the self and rejects what is non-self (foreign). Hence, when it comes to fighting infections, a late response is quite harmful. A healthy immune system responds to foreign objects like bacteria and viruses immediately and activates measures to fight them. The strength of your immune system can make you more or less susceptible to infections and health conditions.
What influences the immune system and its response?
Some studies have shown that there are certain genetic differences in susceptibility to infectious diseases and many of those genetic variations are found in the genes that are involved in the immune system. On the other hand, your current lifestyle and environment also play a huge role in how your immune system functions.
How to strengthen your immunity?
As your immune system is influenced by your DNA, the blueprint of your life, you can strive to make changes in your lifestyle (including food and exercises) to achieve a healthier life and stronger immune response. By understanding your genetic tendencies, you can take appropriate corrective actions to improve and strengthen your immune system and its functions. Understanding your genetic tendencies is quite easy - you just need to order a genetic test. Your genetic test report will contain lots of crucial info about your body. If you follow the recommendations in your test report and work on modifying your lifestyle habits according to it, you can achieve a healthier immune system and healthy and happy life too!
Available studies notice that your genetic build also affects your susceptibility or risk for the severity of Coronavirus infection in case you contract it. A robust immune system can also save you from the complications that arise from the Covid infection. You can prepare yourself by empowering yourself with the knowledge of how Coronavirus affects your immunity, and what you can do about managing it. Want to know more about a genetic test that can enlighten you about your predisposition towards developing severities under Covid infection?