Know Your Likelihood for These 5 Cancers with Genetic Test

The whole story of your health, nutrition, fitness and wellness is encoded in your DNA (genetics). All you need to do is to understand that story, and personalize your entire lifestyle according to that. This will not only help you enhance the quality of your life but also help you maintain your good health.
Cancer is one of the genetic diseases that has fatal symptoms. The tumor cells are different from normal cells because of genetic mutations. With DNAwise genetic test you can understand the predisposition of your genes to develop cancer. These are the 5 types of Cancers that you prevent by understanding your genetic susceptibility towards them:
Abnormal cell growth in the breasts - Breast Cancer (in women)
Cancer in the womb’s lining - Endometrial Cancer (in women)
Cancer that begins in the lung area - Lung Cancer
Cancer of the lower end of digestive tract - Colorectal Cancer
DNA changes in the prostate cell - Prostate Cancer (in men)
How does DNAwise genetic test find these predispositions?
DNAwise is a saliva based test that can be taken from the comfort of your home. It is a non-invasive test that can be taken by a person of any age. Your DNA is extracted from your saliva sample to look for the small differences in your DNA that make you genetically unique. Genotyping is a technique to identify the genetic markers called Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). With genotyping, the changes that influence your genetic predisposition or increase your risk to various health conditions and traits, are identified. These are listed in your genetic test report - this report can be your health guide for lifetime, and help you personalize your food, exercise, and health checkups.
How to prevent these 5 Cancers with DNAwise genetic test report?
The detailed information encoded from your DNA is mentioned in your report. It is also explained to you by an expert genetic counsellor. Along with the decoded info from your genes, recommendations related to lifestyle modifications are also mentioned in your report. Understanding the report helps you in making informed decisions about your overall health and wellness, and implement surveillance for risk reduction of diseases.
Your predisposition towards these 5 Cancers along with 70+ other health traits are reported in your result. Following a lifestyle based on your report can help you in preventing or delaying the onset of these Cancers. Order your DNAwise test kit now to find out what you should do if you are susceptible to any of these 5 Cancers.